Ramen Man i Seattle

Forenede StaterRamen Man



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1616, North 45th Street, 98103, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 206-258-2959
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 47.6616048, Longitude: -122.3383922

kommentar 5

  • Ben Carson

    Ben Carson


    Be warned: the volcano bowl is no joke. 🌋🤯

  • P Lenee Hicks

    P Lenee Hicks


    Thoroughly enjoyed the food. The place could be cleaner, but the service was great.

  • Jessie Rizzo

    Jessie Rizzo


    To die for! Little spot with great ramen. The restaurant is not much to look at but the food is filling and delicious. The service was great and they we're kind enough to bring us seconds on soft boiled eggs.

  • Kristen Grote

    Kristen Grote


    Better than Samurai Noodle but not as good as all the other ramen I've had in Seattle. Noodles: a bit thin and starchy but well cooked and chewy. Broth: I had the shio broth which was opaque and fatty, but not particularly rich. Good saltiness. Pork: Tender and good quality cuts. Egg: Unmarinated 7-minute egg, served cold on the side. Atmosphere is very basic, slightly dingy hole in the wall. Definitely not a date place. Service was friendly and the price was good.

  • Laurie Williams

    Laurie Williams


    Grest noodles. Basic place, fast service. Fairly cheap. They have beer cans. Really cant complain

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