Ram Caterers of Old Westbury w Old Westbury

Stany ZjednoczoneRam Caterers of Old Westbury


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

21, Old Westbury Road, 11568, Old Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-997-4000
strona internetowej: www.ramcaterers.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7671552, Longitude: -73.6004222

komentarze 5

  • es

    Hector Javier Maldonado Guevara


    Es estupendo

  • Mihai Bucu

    Mihai Bucu


    Greatest Kosher Catering place in NY State...

  • en

    J Rose


    Totally agree with other reviewers. Food is tasteless and be careful of their empty verbal promises as they don't care unless written in contract. This place is cursed.

  • en

    Caryn Richman


    My husband comes from an orthodox family and had asked the banquet manager to make sure the date did not fall on sukkot my husband was assured that the date was fine, three months before the wedding one of his cousins called and said you are not allowed to do weddings on the day. Needless to say we could not get a conservative rabbi to officiate so the manager got the temples rabbi to do it. The manager was dealing with the other side even though I was the mother of the bride.. So the reason I am writing this is to warn any and all prospective clients is that they will yes you to death,the only request I had was for a lychee martini which they gave me a glass of puréed baby food,our waiter was extremely difficult to understand, the food although presented beautifully on lovely China was in fact tasteless. My husband said he couldn't cut the prime rib even with a steak knive. I asked everyone at our table about the food and no matter what they ordered no one liked it. The desserts looked beautiful but we're tasteless. They didn't have enough people on passing at the smorgasbord and no one could get near the bar or food stations,the lines were at least five deep. They staff was supposed to take drink orders but there should have been one person per table only taking drink orders. My advise to you would be to insist on a food tasting BEFORE you book! Get everything in writing,or better yet go somewhere else!

  • Adam Pabon

    Adam Pabon


    Food is awesome

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