Ралай Акура en Roslyn

Estados UnidosРалай Акура



🕗 horarios

1750, Northern Boulevard, 11576, Roslyn, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-625-7070
sitio web: rallyeacura.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.805168, Longitude: -73.640688

comentarios 5

  • H Andino

    H Andino


    I went in for an oil change and Ms. Santiago was helping me. She’s very friendly and helpful. The waiting room has changed everything looks so much better. Then I was notified that I needed to change my air filters. That was done and I left a happy customer. Thank you Rallye Acura.

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    Danny 86 Ayala


    When buying our car we had nothing but the best, very professional and helpful with anything we had asked. the service department is by far my favorite part about Rallye Acura. ive been there quite a few times. they always care about helping us and even down to the smallest details. i have worked with a few people in service department and i have not one complaint about anyone. if you don't have a Acura go and get one (just because of the way service treats you) and only deal with professional people who truly care about you and your car. Chad, thank you so much for going above and beyond with helping us to get everything that was needed to be done with the car this recent time we were there. greatly appreciated!!

  • Jou Jou LaRue

    Jou Jou LaRue


    Acura Rallye is by far one of the best dealerships that I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. Other Acura dealerships pale in comparison. Julio in sales was very knowledgeable and friendly. He made me very comfortable and relaxed in what is usually a very stressful situation. Chris Bello was terrific as well. The deal that was put together was favorable for me. It was done with a cherry on top. 😊 Thank you Julio, Chris, Faith & the team at Acura Rallye. 👍🏽

  • Gary Romero

    Gary Romero


    Let me start by saying, THANK YOU DANNY! Danny went above and beyond for both my partner and I - deals that we didn't even know Acura would have nonetheless! He completely took care of my old lease with Honda, plus MORE. We weren't planning on leaving the dealership with two cars might I add, but Danny was able to help out my partner and get him an even better deal on his first lease. We're happy to part of the Rallye Acura family and plan to stick with them for the rest of our lives!

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    June 23


    This has been by far the best dealership I have ever experienced. Danny went above and beyond all lengths to accommodate my purchase, he made me a believer. The entire Rallye team is impressive, from sales to finance treated me like a superstar. I would highly recommend this dealership to everyone. Great job guys, from a very satisfied customer!!

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