Raiser & Kenniff, PC en Mineola

Estados UnidosRaiser & Kenniff, PC



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
300, Old Country Road, 11501, Mineola, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-742-7600
sitio web: www.longislandcriminallawyers.org
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7382011, Longitude: -73.6443711

comentarios 5

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    Jam Juice Vape Shop


    Hard-working, flexible and very skilled group of attorneys.

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    Elena Micthav


    I had a great experience with Steve, who is one of the founding partners. His unique experience as a former prosecutor was really helpful. It felt like he knew exactly what to do, and what to say - with no problems at all.

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    George McDaniel


    I had the worst experience with James Ingoglia from this firm. He is irresponsible and always busy with his family related issues he's having. At court, this guy has no idea what he is fighting for and squeals down like a little girl against the opposing counsels. I advise you not to hire him if you want to win.

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    Bob Graham


    I hired Raiser & Kenniff when I needed legal assistance and found Steven Raiser to be friendly, personable, and extremely knowledgeable. He and everyone I dealt with at his firm were professional. I was impressed with the determination he had to win the case for me, which he did. I would highly recommend Steven Raiser and Raiser & Kenniff to anyone needing legal representation.

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    prescott smith


    Thomas is an excellent criminal defense attorney who is conscientious, thorough and an expert in his area of criminal defense practice. He has an in depth knowledge of the criminal courts in the New York metro area and has a lot of experience as a former prosecutor. I would highly recommend him to anyone in need of his services

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