Raff & Raff, LLP w Paterson

Stany ZjednoczoneRaff & Raff, LLP



🕗 godziny otwarcia

30, Church Street, 07505, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-742-1917
strona internetowej: www.raffandraff.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9177245, Longitude: -74.1704908

komentarze 5

  • Nurul Islam

    Nurul Islam


    By far this office has the best lawyers and customer service A+. Mike Raff helped me on a car accident case that no other lawyers were to help me the way he did. He kept in contact with me through our the whole case and kept me updated. Check this place out. I recommend this office to friends, family & strangers as well.

  • en

    Yanal Bachok


    Michael Raff is friendly and very knowledgeable, he and his staff dedicate their time and effort to answer any questions and find solutions. I have dealt with several law firms in my life, this one is the best. If they do not specialize in your case, they will find you someone who can and they will not steer you in the wrong direction. As a client, you feel that you are #1 any time you call or go to their office. Gladly and confidently recommend Raff & Raff to all my friends and family.

  • Andres Glez-Matajari

    Andres Glez-Matajari


    I was going thru a nightmare after losing my car on a fire and the insurance didn't want to cover, so I call this Law Firm and spoke with one of the lawyers. He was an amazing person, that took all his time to explain me over the phone what to do by myself, before escalating the situation with lawyers and I followed his indications step by step and my insurance after investigating more they realized of their mistake. I would always be thankful to this law firm that are one in a million. Thanks so much, may God bless you guys always in all you do.

  • Keila Navarro

    Keila Navarro


    I highly recommend this Law Firm! Steve Raff is outstanding! I’ve been working with him for a couple of my cases I’ve had through out the years. Each of my experience with Steve and the office have been amazing. They go above beyond and walked me through every step of my cases. Very helpful and informative. I’ve grew to trust them and definitely won’t go anywhere else. I refer their office to everyone that is seeking any legal help of any kind. Also, just want too edify Norma you are so amazing and such a beautiful person. You’re always so happy and so helpful! You value people and that’s something I appreciate very much! Thank you!

  • en

    Ivette Horta


    Excellent Service. I cant say enough about my favorite Lawyer Michael, Norma and Crissy from the office. From the first time we met until the last day their professionalism was truly OUTSTANDING and definitely the BEST that I have ever met! Michael is that one sincerely rare attorney that really cares about you and your case! He is absolutely authentic, genuine, and full of passion to represent his clients. He has helped me with a completely successful outcome. THANK YOU again Michael! I greatly appreciate you and everything that you have done more than you know. If you need representation for any criminal, divorce, family, traffic, or other legal matter reach out to Michael Raff, You will not regret it.

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