Quirkshop i Peekskill

Forenede StaterQuirkshop



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23, North Division Street, 10566, Peekskill, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-835-5719
internet side: www.quirkshoppeekskill.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.2912125, Longitude: -73.9197988

kommentar 5

  • en

    Megan Cea


    Love this place! Unique, handmade, and vintage clothes, jewelry, accessories, and more!

  • Francisco C

    Francisco C


    the shop you want to stop and take a look. the owner Georgia make a unique cloths..see the pictures and you will know about what so am talking

  • proselectsecurity proselectsecurity

    proselectsecurity proselectsecurity


    this a store you want to visit every week because the owner have always something new. she make an amazing detail unique cloths designs...go and take a tour and you will understand what I am saying here. The owner Georgia is a unique person who can help you with any design

  • Erica Fleishman

    Erica Fleishman


    A wonderful and inviting little shop full of eclectic and beautiful handmade items! Great for gifts and thrift shopping!

  • Barbara Lipp

    Barbara Lipp


    I wonderful little shop full of eclectic, locally crafted clothes, jewelry, purses, scarves, and other stuff. A nice addition to downtown Peekskill.

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