Queen Donuts & Bakery en Tucson

Estados UnidosQueen Donuts & Bakery



🕗 horarios

1108, West Saint Mary’s Road, 85745, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 520-884-1123
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.2300723, Longitude: -110.9884055

comentarios 5

  • en

    Hugo Mendoza


    staff and employers are friendly the guy that is helping out the shop he is god sent he is liked by every one easy to talk too if your needing help with any thing this man will do it no jod to big,that this man won't do

  • Luis Greer

    Luis Greer


    Not the cleanest looking place. Glazes stored in the empty drink cooler by the door. The donuts taste like if fried in not the freshest oil.

  • Raymond Ilic

    Raymond Ilic


    Best donuts in the USA. The management Nathaniel and his son the baker take pride in the quality and preparation of the donuts. The owner Nathaniel has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I’ve ever known. And, on any given day if you spent some time you can enjoy one of the best unrehearsed comedy sitcom‘s you’ve ever seen! At Jim Beckley, I occasionally volunteer there and help.out and was the person to do that delivery to your dad at St. Mary’s. It was my pleasure to offer him some cheering up!

  • Yovannah Diovanti

    Yovannah Diovanti


    Great tasting doughnuts, clean place, fast service and the owner treats you like family once he gets to know you.

  • SV D

    SV D


    I live nearby so this place has become one of my favorites for donuts! All of the donuts I have ever had are amazing. I often bring some to work at the UA and they’re gone within seconds. The staff is super nice and the owner is incredibly sweet Too! MUST TRY; HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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