Quattrohaus w Newark

Stany ZjednoczoneQuattrohaus



🕗 godziny otwarcia

163, Delancy Street, 07105, Newark, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-491-9790
strona internetowej: quattrohaus.net
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7198377, Longitude: -74.1610031

komentarze 5

  • Dan N

    Dan N


    Took my vr6 to quattrohaus, thinking the axle was faulty, right away Luis said it wasn’t that. Turned out to be a loose bolt that made the engine shake and rattle. Thanks!

  • Brian Pham

    Brian Pham


    Went in for a timing belt/water pump job for my '07 GTI. 100% happy with the job and he fixed some other minor issues with the car. Exhaust had a rattle in the tip and he ended up welding it and fixing the noise in addition. Luis was very fair and honest about everything up front. Glad to have found a new shop to take my GTI to.

  • Alberto Muniz

    Alberto Muniz


    A week after getting my 2009 Audi A6 back and I couldn't be any happier. The best way to describe a great mechanic is "honesty" and that's Louise and his crew at Quattrohaus. I had an oil leak, turned out to be something simple and easy. Transmission serviced and running like new again. I still need to go back for other things but like he said, priority first to get the car running like it should again and then the other things later. He's a very busy guy so be patient and get him when you can. Thanks again Louise!

  • en

    Asif Ehmad


    Got my A3 fixed! Luis is a very humble, honest, well mannered guy and a superb mechanic. My Father always said good doctors and mechanics are hard to find so when you do find one, stay with them. That definitely applies here. The troubleshooting and resolve Luis performed on my car was so much better then the Audi dealer I took my car to before. Luis picked up on the most pressing issues on the car and recommended them to be fixed meanwhile at Audi, they were too busy pointing out minute things that really didn't need fixing and not even looking for the major issues that can arise in my 06 Audi. Not to mention, they wanted to charge an arm and a leg. I am very pleased with the work. As I mentioned before, Luis is honest and straight forward in his recommendations, no up selling here. Just good quality work at a good price.

  • Gareth Middleton

    Gareth Middleton


    Luis is one of the best guys I've met in the business. He's reliable honest and fairly priced also knows a lot about performance upgrades on Audis. I've been going to him for over 10 years since I got my first Audi a 6 2.7 turbo

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