QualityPro Pest & Wildlife Services Inc. i Hawthorne

Forenede StaterQualityPro Pest & Wildlife Services Inc.



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West Cross Street, 10532, Hawthorne, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-712-6333
internet side: qualitypropest.com
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Latitude: 41.10732, Longitude: -73.798272

kommentar 2

  • en

    Sue Reuter


    I called Quality Pro about a bee problem I was having in my attic. Jim and his crew where there within hours. Took care of the problem very professionally. I've used them in the past and have never been disappointed! Thanks Quality Pro! You're the best!!

  • en

    Nikki Tomaino


    I was relaxing on my couch on a Saturday evening when I saw a bat fly into my living room. I bolted out of the room and called the first number that had a human on the other line...Qualitypro was it. Jim Horton arrived within 30mins to find me stressed and frazzled to say the absolute least. He asked me a few questions and began the search immediately following. Once the bat was located inside my window trim, which had an opening at the top, Jim spent the next hour going over points of entry through my entire apartment. This comprehensive search allowed me to feel secure in what needed to be done next. It also assured me that I probably would not be having any more bats considering the "fort knox like" approach to sealing my home. That night, Jim sealed up my windows and the following Monday, my window trims were permanently sealed with concrete. I never expect a business to go above and beyond...QualityPro didn't just find a bat, they also made me feel comfortable in my home again. It's hard to put a dollar on that.

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