Quality Inn w Takoma Park

Stany ZjednoczoneQuality Inn



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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Środaotwarte 24 godziny
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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
7411 New Hampshire Avenue, Bldg. 1, Takoma Park, MD 20912, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 301-439-3000
strona internetowej: www.choicehotels.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.983948, Longitude: -76.986751

komentarze 5

  • tombyers1



    The place was clean, but it still had a rundown feel about it. The staff was nice enough. Overall we were not too happy. Other places would have been nicer for the same price. The bathroom was Tiny. The door between our adjacent rooms was blocked by furniture. The refrigerator needed to be turned up, but what look like the maximum setting actually turned it off and ruined our food. There is no elevator. The ice machine was very far away. The breakfast was okay.

  • Himanshu Dadarwala

    Himanshu Dadarwala


    Owners have put in a lot of money to renovate the rooms. But this is for nothing if they drop the ball on customer service. All staff should greet each guest with a smile. Having an infomercial on during breakfast tells the guests you don't care. It's the little things that make or break a hotel.

  • cging7



    I booked this hotel seeing on the website that they allow military members under the age of 21 stay. Upon check in I was denied the room I booked with minimal explanation. When I tried to explain myself i was met with little to no care. This was also on Memorial Day weekend.

  • Felicia Farmer

    Felicia Farmer


    The room was great. Hardwood floors, comfy bed and pillows and it was right beside IHOP. It was close to where we needed to go. My only complaint is that the bathroom is small but manageable.

  • en

    Lindsey Bugajski


    Listen. We all know why you've chosen or are considering choosing this hotel for your trip. For what you pay for you are getting more than you bargained for in the area that you are staying. The rooms are clean, as well as the linens. The bathrooms are tight, but I don't know about you, but I don't like spending all my time in the bathroom at a cheap hotel. I became distraught after booking when I finally got to reading the reviews so I'll address some of the concerns I remember reading and tell you my experience. Staff (and their rudeness): In my opinion, there was typical staff of a motel there. I was greeted just fine, and when I asked if it were possible to check in 10 minutes early, I was understanding when I was told no by the staff because I can't cause a stink over the rules they have. I was able to check in minutes after 3. While I was waiting in the lobby until I could, the staff talked amoungst themselves about work issues, which I don't care about because I don't expect them to silently wait until I leave and they're still performing their jobs. I was given papers to sign for my room without the price listed, but I had my email with the confirmed price and knew that if there was an issue, I could directly contact my credit card company if the hotel did not fix the issue. Check in and out times were clearly explained as well as breakfast times. Literally 0 issues. Room cleanliness and safety: A lot of older reviews I have seen have commented on how gross the rooms looked and how they didn't feel safe due to random locks that didn't lock, but the room I had received is an obviously renovated room, and I did not encounter any of the issues people have complained about. A couple of reviews had me terrified of bed bugs, but I did a thorough check before I had settled in, and much to my satisfaction, it was bug free. The part of town that this hotel is in isn't "seedy", it IS, however, filled with a wide range of stores, shops, and restaurants of varying ethnicities, many bus stops that people utilize, and many people who also choose to walk instead of drive around, which I guess scares people. I stayed multiple days, walked to the nearby Aldi, and have never felt unsafe at any time. I will mention that I do not think the motel had been occupied heavily at the time of my stay and I did not hear any neighbors that often, and even then, I was not bothered. I'm not a breakfast person, so I didn't check out the breakfast until I was checking out and grabbed a muffin before I hit the road. All and all, don't be afraid to try this place out, especially if you are low maintenance and have an understanding about the quality of hotel you will get (especially in this location!) for the price you pay. Next time I am in the DC area, I will definitely be staying here again.

najbliższy Kwatera

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