Quality Fireplace and Chimney LLC en Порт Джефферсон

Estados UnidosQuality Fireplace and Chimney LLC



🕗 horarios

Порт Джефферсон, Нью-Йорк 11777, США
contactos teléfono: +1 631-626-9650
sitio web: www.qualityfireplaceandchimney.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9464875, Longitude: -73.0692732

comentarios 3

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    Nagaraj Prithvi


    Rob was prompt on time and extremely professional, knowledgeable on all gas fireplaces. He also explained how it works and best part NO pressure,explained every detail what we needed to know to make the right choice and all options on how we proceed.He even promptly answered all the doubts we had either through phone or email without hesitation.After a month of clarifying everything,the gas fireplace finally installed and the installers were great.We highly recommend this company.

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    Astrid Wimmer


    After 2 other companies had failed us, we were delighted to see Robert and his co-workers. They came as promised and were very professional, competent and nice. They cleaned out our wood-burning insert (a job the other chimney people were unable to do) and gave us great advice about the noisy fan. Great job, THANKS!

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    Sue Mruz


    Working with Rob was a pleasure. He helped us select the log set and doors that would work best in our fireplace and the final installation was flawless and professional. It looks beautiful and we are very happy to be able to click a remote and have a fire. So much easier than bringing in logs for so many years. We recommend Quality Fireplace and Chimney for their great workmanship.

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