Pyro'z Mechanics w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczonePyro'z Mechanics


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1055, West Broadway Road, 85210, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 623-383-5315
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.4073514, Longitude: -111.8542735

komentarze 5

  • missi boling

    missi boling


    If I could rate Mattloque a million stars, I would. My son bought a car from offer up, something was massively wrong with it. Took it to the lexus dealership and they charged him $1800 and the car still did not run. Doug gave me Mattloques number and I called him and he came out and spent countless hours correcting the dealership 's mistake. He is absolutely amazing and knows what hes talking about and what hes doing. No ONE else will ever touch my sons car or mine.

  • Audrey Mack

    Audrey Mack


    SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM you better be prepared to call BBB on this guy I just spent well over $900 only to find out the parts were never replaced I gave him a chance when I went back the second time for the same issue he had fixed prior. He then informed me that sometimes the parts he receives from the manufacturer are defective well dummy me I believed him. I should've known something was up by him keeping my car for well over a week each time he made the same repairs. The front struts were not repaired the power steering pump was not repaired and the window tent job was horrible I can see scratch marks all over my windows! When I called and confronted the owner and demanded a refund he avoided the issue at hand and told me I would need to bring the car part in and give it back and he then would refund my amount I told him that was fine as long as he put the old part in so when asked where the old part was he started to change the subject. Awesome customer service! These other reviews are jokes don't go to Pyro Mechanics he may give decent prices but doesn't do honest work. If I could rate this place less then one star I would.

  • Fey Craig

    Fey Craig


    He's the only mechanic I will recommend and he's a wiz with cars!

  • en

    Jay Pagliaro


  • en

    Kelley Kody


    Experienced. FAST. QUALITY

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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