Pyramid Used Cars w Memphis

Stany ZjednoczonePyramid Used Cars



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936, South 3rd Street, 38106, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 901-942-2231
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Latitude: 35.1218822, Longitude: -90.0548753

komentarze 5

  • en

    Shilonda Scott


    I am giving pyramid 5 stars because Brian is truly awesome he stands behind his cars and he works with you to ensure that your vehicle is running properly when you purchase something from him and even after you have had the car for a while and something goes wrong with it he will recommend a place that will be able to help you as well and that's what I love about pyramid and one more thing his car lot is the only place I know in town that you can catch the bus have your down payment and ride away with a vehicle keep up the good work Brian you and your salesman are doing a really great job😁👌👍👍👍👍

  • Kimma Ware

    Kimma Ware


    I love this place, give respect u get respect, they always help whn there's a problem, but I hardly have any with my truck💜

  • en

    Tierra Malone


    Great dealership, my family has purchased vehicles from them over the past 15 years

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    Lil Babi


    If I could give a 0 it would be that!!! Attention new potential customers run 🏃‍♀️ away from this company!!! Yea easy approval you will get approved but guess what you are paying thousands more than what the car would ever be worth not one or two thousand more we are talking 5000 +. When you get the car they will repo you after being 10 days late so if you have something tragic happen in your family they will let you know in so many ways they don’t care!!! Try and get your car back .. if you don’t have all of the money after being repoed in 10 days oh just know you will get a letter letting you know your car will be auctioned in a few days.... if you do not want to pay 5000+ plus more than the car is worth... go get you some dealer license and get you YOUR car for cheap THE SAME PLACE THEY GO GET THE CARS and bust you up!!!!! You rather go to the auction and pay what it is really worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🏃‍♀️ away !!!!! Don’t think you are special because they approve you with bad credit they are putting you in a trap!!! Even if you never get behind ever with them you deserve better than to get so much interest added on even a worker that is there will slick tell you hell nall don’t do it !!!!! And Pyramid y’all best not respond to my truth or I will put y’all to shame!!! And don’t respond like y’all did the other girl on here talking about u don’t see her in the data base....stop that lying!!!!!

  • Lavondasha Mosby

    Lavondasha Mosby


    I will never refer anyone to this car lot. I got a car from them in 2010 paid them on time every month. A natural disaster occurred and a tree fell on my car call and told them what happened and they said they were going to work with me getting a new car. Came to the lot everything worth getting was 3000 down payment. They said I didn't have to pay for the destroyed vehicle they were going to sell it. Next thing I know I'm getting served and garnished!! The worst and selling having to pay for a vehicle I don't have. And they won't every penny because they will garnish you regardless of your situation.

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