Purple Orchid Salon w Mahopac

Stany ZjednoczonePurple Orchid Salon



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250, U.S. 6, 10541, Mahopac, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-621-5500
strona internetowej: www.purpleorchidsalon.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.3523065, Longitude: -73.7493946

komentarze 5

  • mary ford

    mary ford


    Purple Orchid Salon is warm, friendly and comfortable. They provide outstanding services, current styles, and best of all, they listen to YOU. You always walk out with a smile on your face, knowing that your hair looks and feels amazing. Alwyn is a SUPERSTAR!

  • en

    Rosemarie H Flynn


    I Love my new haircut! Phaedra was excellent! I had read the reviews and knew that Purple Orchid Salon was the right choice for me, to get a totally new look. Phaedra and I discussed my hair type, and how different cuts would look with my face. I picked one that I liked, and she made it happen, gilded personally to me! I posted a picture on Facebook, and already got 20 likes or loves, and great comments! I will be a faithful customer, from now on, and, will recommend others! Thank You, Phaedra, and Purple Orchid Salon!!! ❤

  • Victoria Valentine

    Victoria Valentine


    A lovely Salon experience. Classy, relaxing and very cordial atmosphere. The stylists are amazingly talented. I've never had such perfect results on hair coloring and styling. Thank you Phaedra Valentine and Purple Orchid Salon.

  • Marcina Glinias

    Marcina Glinias


    Phaedra always does an AMAZING job! From waxing, to cuts, to facials, to spray tanning-- you name it! She's so friendly, easy going, and takes her time to do a great job. Everyone at this salon goes above and beyond to give you a wonderful experience!

  • en

    lisa tortorella


    Alwyn is all the things you want in a stylist! She's super sweet and and the shop owner. I followed her from her last salon because she's the only one who does exactly as I ask. And when I'm looking for something different I depend on her vision and instruction because it's always right on target. The shop is beautiful and comfortable and all the folks who work there focus on the customer. Also, I am never pressured to buy anything! I love going to The Purple Orchid Salon!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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