Prospect Dental w Beacon

Stany ZjednoczoneProspect Dental



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288, Main Street, 12508, Beacon, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-838-0086
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5057204, Longitude: -73.9706572

komentarze 5

  • saruska juszkiewicz

    saruska juszkiewicz


    Please do not go here , The Dr's their are highly Unprofessional. I've requested a Crown to be covered , and the DR'S Pa CALLED and said my medical insurance, was accepted. The pre authorized my heart medication for my heart murmur. I was sent home 3 times stating from the main Dr that the Medical Insurance was never covered. Hence forth I was over medicated . Every time I went they took X-rays , and claimed they were even putting an oder for a crown. I requested to changes Dr. If the manger can reach out to me threw this post please contact me. I've also over herd the PA talk to the Dr stating do not treat me because I had an allergic, to not to treat me . They also chipped my tooth that had the an oral surgery on . Beyond the worst place ever do not go here. You will wait over an hour .

  • en

    Fran Bende


    Wow I guess my intuition was right. I arrived and the very young girl who was texting said my appt had been cancelled. I was going to leave and another lady who just arrived said to wait. I was led to a room where i was told to wait for full xrays, i said i wasn't sure if i am due for more xrays or if my insurance would cover that, i had to call the insurance company myself and my gut told me something there did not feel professional, it felt like a public health place for illegals or people who cannot a nutshell it felt very unprofessional and I really feel i need to be taken seriously about my medical care, so I left!

  • en

    Chris C.


    This is a bit like getting your teeth cleaned in a bus station. The hygienists are good but the dentist treated me like a slab of beef. The receptionist mislead me about accepting my insurance and now getting my payment to them has been a minor nightmare. Why do so many dentists seem to be crooks?

  • en

    Julianne Honea


    Please do not go here. Short story: The incredibly rude doctor was going to drill into four perfectly good teeth to fill "cavities" that weren't there. If you must go here, please get a second opinion before they operate on you. Long story: I went into this dentist office to get a routine cleaning and a night guard. I had just moved to the east coast and did not have a referral, they were local and easy to get to. The hygienists and assistants were lovely, but then the doctor came in. He barely looked at my teeth and told me I had 4 new cavities to fill. Horrified and confused, as I had just gotten everything fixed just a month ago with my usual dentist, he didn't spend more than 2 minutes in the room with me. He was incredibly rude and reluctant to answer any questions, even standing behind me so I could barely see him. Last week on an unexpected trip home, I went to my old dentist (a man who has been practicing for 40 years and works to save teeth, not drill into them) to see if I did in fact have four new cavities. He checked my entire mouth, there was no decay, just natural groves. He told me never to go back to that dentist office again, they were going to put drills into perfectly good teeth just to make money. Please do not go here, or if you do - get a second opinion.

  • en

    Elizabeth Autry


    wrote a review on all access dental page seeing its still up! This place is horrible has been for years I gave it another shot due to the name change I should have never bothered! Went in for pain due to a cracked filling, dentist filled it alright so far down that it hit the nerve. I mean as an educated dentist if that was the case you should have said something but nope you rather hit my nerve I now have to pay 2k to fix your mistake! as well as you have infected my tooth PEOPLE BEWARE!!! My teeth are far from the greatest but didn't need any other problems or money coming out of my pocket due to a dentist who has no idea what he is doing, All of this because I do not go there regularly so he didnt care HE WILL NOW! you have a job to do weather its your patient or not you could have obtained a new patient, but you suck as a person and professional, staff is not great either! went in for an emergency appt in massive pain and waited over two hours while all those who arrived after were taken first (no doubt regular appts) lunch was ordered and snacks were eaten! I pay attention to what goes on around me in an office and that is plain RUDE! I would like my xray it would be interesting to see if that filling had to go to the nerve which as a dentist you should have never and told me a root canal was needed, he also never mentioned infection nor did he prescribe anything which tells me the infection came from that office! if the office would like to contact me due to this review you can feel free to contact me as I will forward you to my team which will include my regular dentist as well as others! If not that is OK and we will be in touch! This dental office has another site they used to be all access dental in beacon you should check out the reviews there as well as there are more and do not go with the 3 that have been placed here. TOTAL opposites

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