Proper w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneProper



🕗 godziny otwarcia

409, West Magnolia Avenue, 76104, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 817-984-1133
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7305128, Longitude: -97.3293896

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kathleen Badgley


    Great place to relax and unwind. You are for sure to meet some awesome people.. The drinks.. Well there just are words to really describe them, you just need to stop on in and get one of their signature cocktails today!

  • Trudy Guerrero

    Trudy Guerrero


    Speak easy style bar. Very small and cozy which i prefer. Selections are large and they aren’t stingy with the alcohol. Sometimes they put even a little too much. Great place for a night cap. His and her drinks pictured 😏 and then Buck the Queen, taste like a paleta, yum!

  • en



    Drinks were fantastic, but I was very disappointed with the customer service. No one greeted us. No one made us feel welcome. Bartender just did the minimum- made our drinks and took our payment. I was not impressed. None of the staff looked content to be there. When I walk into any business, I expect to feel like I’m welcome and my business is appreciated. Happy to say we took ourselves down the street to another cocktail bar that met our expectations. We will visit one more time in hopes that this was just a one-time situation.

  • Kasandra



    First of all the bartenders are super friendly and introduce themselves. Drinks are on the pricier side but WORTH it. Have an indoor and outdoor area where you can bring your dog. Indoor area is small but not too loud. Had a great time and they have a ton of interesting drinks to try!

  • Sür Easley

    Sür Easley


    Always a great choice for a quality cocktail! Not a dive, but small and intimate with just enough dim lit corners to make you feel at home. My home bar, for sure!

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