ProHEALTH Urgent Care of Jericho w Jericho

Stany ZjednoczoneProHEALTH Urgent Care of Jericho



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555, North Broadway, 11753, Jericho, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-597-5070
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7909622, Longitude: -73.5369554

komentarze 5

  • en

    susan stone


    I've been to this urgent care twice and both times I have had a good experience! Easy in and out! Both times I saw a doctor who was thorough, patient and gave me the appropriate advice for my issue.

  • Celeste Gullo

    Celeste Gullo


    Been here 3 times, great place, clean, fast service, was very happy and will go back.

  • Sean G

    Sean G


    Terrible experience. I was the first appointment waiting for office to open and saw the doctor arrive who clearly never worked there before as he asked the nurse what time they open and introduced himself. When he came in to see me, he didn't check my ears or throat, only chest with stethoscope and determined that I was wheezing a little so he prescribed me with Ventolin spray which did nothing. A week later I followed up with my primary who performed a proper checkup with my ears and throat..... both red and infected and now I'm on the proper medication. After making a complaint to ProHealth regional manager, she confirmed that the doctor was a stand in and the visit was a bad experience and offered to refund my copay of 50 dollars. A few days later I received a call from the office advising me that they will not be refunding my copay and didn't give me a reason why. The girl that called sounded like she could care less about my experience and was eager to hang up on me after I started questioning their decision. Never again, please don't waste your time go to your Primary or CityMD or Northwell Urgent Care. This place and everyone who work for them are TERRIBLE.

  • en

    Tony C


    I went to this urgent care center today and found everyone was nice. The receptionist guesstimated up to a 30 min wait and I was pleasantly surprised it was even less. The doctor who saw me was thorough. He sent me to the x-ray room (on premises) to check for pneumonia. I have used this place before with good experiences but never took the time to write a comment.

  • en

    Cc L


    For pediatrician part, not the urgent care. I have to share my unpleasant experience with honest people. I took my child to their office for a vaccine shot. I made sure it’s a free visit before we went. I called and asked them twice for my situation (new patient). I talked to one receptionist and the other from billing. They both made sure to me there’s no charge for a vaccine shot for us. 2 months later, they sent a bill of $300, which I am responsible for $180 for a vaccine shot visit. I called and told them your office told me no charge for a vaccine shot visit. They all denied they told me so. The lady from the billing department was very aggressive in words. Common sense, I just want to ask why would I bring my child to your office for a $180 vaccine shot while my old doctor office charges free if you don’t tell me it’s free?

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