Professional Placement Services w Milwaukee

Stany ZjednoczoneProfessional Placement Services



🕗 godziny otwarcia

272, North 12th Street, 53233, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 414-220-4100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.0337273, Longitude: -87.9264279

komentarze 5

  • en

    L Coffin


    The agent I spoke to had no customer service skills and was very rude. I have been in the customer service industry for 22 yrs and during those 22 yrs had a big part in training and QA. This agent needs to be coached on how to speak to customers.

  • en

    G. Winston


    They, "Professional Placement Services" dials a wrong number then very "unProfessional", Very Rude.

  • Steve Sorensen

    Steve Sorensen


    This place is a scam! Search this number: eight five five seven seven seven zero three one seven & see history at the 800notes site.

  • en

    Ashley Sitowski


    Unprofessional and rude. The guy answered the phone, and I couldn't even understand what he said. I had to confirm I even dialed the right number, and then he was irritated that he had to repeat himself clearly. I dislike that anyone at this facility has access to my information.

  • Barb Dawson

    Barb Dawson


    This place is a scam. They do NOT change there phone numbers when the people that DO owe a collection debt (so they say) loose or change their phone number! They keep Robo calling the same number, but a new person has it! I, and many others believe any Robo call is a scam!!!! I do NOT owe any one anything!!!

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