Priya w Suffern

Stany ZjednoczonePriya



🕗 godziny otwarcia

36, Lafayette Avenue, 10901, Suffern, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-357-5700
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.1162135, Longitude: -74.1530059

komentarze 5

  • Stephen Parisi

    Stephen Parisi


    The best Indian food in the area hands down. I only wish we lived closer.

  • oscar velz

    oscar velz


    Love the biryani, naan, masala chicken, and the samosas, Indian food is so aromatic and too much for some mild spiced thinking people,but I enjoy it Everytime, going soon for another round to check a detail that deleted the fifth star and will update after that.

  • Phil Fenton

    Phil Fenton


    The worst Indian food I've ever encountered in my life. Stale rice and they give me rancid Tamarind sauce. One of my co-workers got immediately sick and I don't know If I'm going to make it through the day. Horrible service to boot. One of the worst food decisions I've ever made. Ended up throwing all the food out. Someone needs to call the health department and then pray that earth opens up & swallows the building. Maybe salt the earth afterward

  • Mitchell Moe

    Mitchell Moe


    Great food. Suggest trying the chicken Teke Masala

  • en

    Eugen Duca


    Great food! So flavorful. Great service.. Just a little awkward-- the server stared at us while we ate to see how we liked it, and didn't leave until we gave him a "wow" reaction. Also, we ordered sorbet (wayyy too sweet), he brought it out before we were finished eating and insisted we try it and waited there until we did. He was very kind, but it was borderline uncomfortable being watched while we ate.

najbliższy Bar

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