Priscilla Jewelry w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePriscilla Jewelry



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1399, Rockaway Parkway, 11236, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-649-5864
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.645827, Longitude: -73.9028965

komentarze 5

  • en

    S Qui-Shell


    They provided excellent customer services and had reasonable prices.

  • Don PGA

    Don PGA


    Not really a good customer service. 2 stars one.

  • en

    Regina Murray


    Always a pleasure heading there today.

  • en

    Evelyn Torres


    I used to love this store, and their customer service rocked (or so I thought)! Until yesterday Wednesday 8-17-16, a day that I will never forget. I went in there some time in the past week to see if I needed to buy a battery for a watch that I had purchased from a very reputable dealer. My watch was brand new, with the tag and some hard plastic on the wristbands. I went in and I asked the worker if the watch was working, because first of all I did not know how to start the watch, she checked it and started it and the battery was fine (I just didn't know how to start it) and then I asked her how much would it cost to shorten the wristbands, I never okayed her to shorten it when she had already started brutally removing the hard plastic off of the wristbands, as I stood there mortified watching her roughing up my watch I was too shocked to speak! When she was done the clasp to my watch went missing, so at this point I was so upset and confused as to what had just happened that I just went along with what ever she was saying. Bottom line is that she pulled off my clasp as she brutally removed the plastic off of my watch and she had wanted me to pay for another clasp... I was so upset that I just took my watch and left. When I finally got myself together, after a whole lot of prayer and thought, I figured that the reasonable thing to do was to go back down there when I had the time and speak to the owner of the shop and explain what had happened and settle this in a calm and civil manner. So I went back yesterday, Wednesday 8-17-16, I approached the owner (which was with a customer) so I waited for him to approach me, and when he did I said hi and I asked him did he remember me from the week before and he answered yes, you came in with a watch. Pleased that he had actually remembered me, I began to tell him that his worker had lost my clasp and that I felt that my clasp should be replaced free of charge. That was when I saw a side of this man that I have never seen before, he began to lie and in front of the customer, he attacked my integrity! He had the nerve to say that his worker did not touch my watch at all and that he doesn't deal with those watches! Meanwhile he remembered that I had been in there and why, and he had given me a price of $16, to shorten the wristbands and to put a new clasp to replace the one that his own worker had removed as she brutally removed the plastic off of my watch! This man not only insulted me, but he also assaulted my integrity! He is "a wolf in sheep's clothing!" He puts his love of money before the integrity of other's and he should be ashamed for being a disloyal, deceitful, money hungry, slanderer! Hey mister, NOT all of the jewelry or money in the world will make up for the integrity that you so very much lack! For integrity is worth more than anything that you own or will ever have! At the end of the day I would rather have my integrity intact than all of the gold and money in the world, for God reads hearts, NOT wealth! Here are some words of wisdom that were given to us by our almighty Creator, "Just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them." Luke 6:31 You should learn how to truly value your customers (even the poor ones), for some may not have material wealth, but they may be wealthy with all of the finest things in life, which you will never be able to buy!

  • en

    Frances Aj


    They are amazing!! Nice customer service. My boyfriend surprised me with a heart shaped pendent and since the day he put it on I've never took it off. Its still shiny and blinging on my neck and its been a yr and change today... no color changes nothing.... will definitely recommend them to anyone!!!

najbliższy Jubiler

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