Prime Cut Hair Design en Lindenhurst

Estados UnidosPrime Cut Hair Design



🕗 horarios

473 park ave, Lindenhurst, NY 11757, США
contactos teléfono: +1 631-422-4247
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6857137, Longitude: -73.3541516

comentarios 5

  • en

    John Malshimer


    I haven't and never had and never will go there! PLEASE STOP SENDING THESE EMAILS

  • Lee Reynolds

    Lee Reynolds


    Marlene is the best hair designer. Thr entire staff is so frirndly.

  • Paula Drummond

    Paula Drummond


    Great salon for all of your hair needs. Staff is always up to date on all of the latest products and styles. Highly recommend!❤

  • en

    kibo kibo


    This review is for the eyebrow services in the salon. I recently went in for eyebrow threading with Nergis. All I asked for was a clean up and to keep my brows thick. I am new to the area and was hoping to find threading nearby. I have gotten my brows threaded several times at different locations and never did I have this experience. Clearly my requests were ignored and I was left with super thin shapeless brows. My perfect brow shape was gone. I Have always gotten compliments on my brows and now need to completely draw my brows back on.

  • Tina Colangelo

    Tina Colangelo


    Prime cuts is the best place for all of your haircare needs!It's high quality at a cost effective price. The staff is wonderful. Their customer service is excellent. Anna is the absolute best! I highly recommend booking an appointment, you will not be disappointed

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