Prestige Stone Designs w North Arlington

Stany ZjednoczonePrestige Stone Designs



🕗 godziny otwarcia

470, Belleville Turnpike, 07031, North Arlington, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-997-8086
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.776802, Longitude: -74.129375

komentarze 5

  • en

    W LI


    Professional service, and competitive prices. Paul was extremely helpful and did not push me like every other person in this industry seems to do. Install was easy and ahead of schedule. My wife is happy!

  • en

    Totoro B


    Prestige went above and beyond what I expected. I needed my kitchen completely redone and Paul took the time to explain all the different options. To be honest, I definitely comparison shopped a bit, and in the end, not only did Prestige provide the most value (for every single option/alternative I asked about), but they also explained the differences in stone (everything from durability to maintenance, etc.). Only when I was completely comfortable did I proceed—at no time did I feel rushed to make any decisions (anyone who has ever remodeled anything knows how pushy and annoying some providers are!). Installation, etc., was similarly professional. Thanks again!

  • Erica Luicci

    Erica Luicci


    We had our kitchen and bathroom counters done by Prestige and they look absolutely perfect! They walked us through every step and provided their suggestions based on what would look best for each room. I am so thrilled with the results and love the stones we used.

  • sal carbonaro

    sal carbonaro


    This company will promise you anything to get your money but after you pay you never hear from them again.

  • en

    Christine Petretta


    I purchased Cambria counters from Prestige this fall. Came just in time for the holidays and looked beautiful! Paul certainly went the extra mile. I would highly recommend them for flawless work and great customer service.

najbliższy Cmentarz

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