Prestige Portraits w Elk Grove

Stany ZjednoczonePrestige Portraits


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3159, Dwight Road, 95758, Elk Grove, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-393-9950
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.4274394, Longitude: -121.4613703

komentarze 5

  • Staci G

    Staci G


    I would give less than one star if possible. First of all they are super inconvenient when you have to go their studio. Only certain times available and certain days. Then they rush you through you appointment and send out countless emails wanting your money with outrageous packages. I caved and ordered a cd but have yet to receive it. When I call for assistance I am told it is at my local post office (has been for a week) and I need to take the issue up with them. This is horrible. The company should be shut down or at least have some competition yet they seem to have a monopoly as you can only have your yearbook photo taken by them.

  • moreno babydoll

    moreno babydoll


    Love the pictures they took of my daughter here!perfection! I had seen other reviews and was so disappointed that my daughter school was assign here, but was so happy how they came out,friendly service,very very professional and it’s beautiful inside I was so pleased

  • Artelias Aikens

    Artelias Aikens


    They get you in and out in a timely manner! Fun place to take pictures!

  • en

    Courtney Stevens


    I disliked this place because I was given a individual dressing room for myself. The employees told me I could leave the stuff in the room because it was "Just for me". As I was gone taking pictures, I came back to change but I couldn't because someone was in my dressing room while ALL OF MY BELONGINGS were in there. One of the employees stated "It was their job" but I was told it was a room for me and and my stuff. Also, one of the photographers seemed rude while instructing me on how to pose. overall this place is slow, and I didnt like the service.

  • Yash Kapadia

    Yash Kapadia


    Overall, they takes great pictures and good costumer service. But if you wait until last minute to take pictures when the whole studio is crowded, then just hope for the best.

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