Prestige Capital Corporation - Invoice Factoring Company w Fort Lee

Stany ZjednoczonePrestige Capital Corporation - Invoice Factoring Company



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400 Kelby Street, 14th floor, Fort Lee, NJ 07024, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-944-4455
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.856435, Longitude: -73.973876

komentarze 5

  • en

    sean kriger


    Calls people on the do not call list. Has called me numerous times and refuses to stop calling me. I'm not the only person to say this. The other reviews on here are fake. They are generic, nonspecific reviews by people who probably work there. It's disgraceful.

  • en

    Ari Werzbeger


    Prestige Capital is a great company! Being a small business owner, I was having cash flow problems until my banker introduced me to Rachel at Prestige Capitol. Before that I was with another factor and got burnt but I trusted my banker. Rachel put me in touch with Harvey Stu. Santo and after a brief phone conversation they found a program that my company would qualify for and now my cash flow improved drastically. I want to thank all the people at Prestige Capitol including Trish that were and are assisting me with my finances. If anyone would ask me I would highly recommend Prestige Capitol.

  • en

    Daniel Khan


    Prestige Capital were really helpful, and very friendly. As a small business owner I wasn't capable to grow my business to its full potential due to all the debts I had . After few google searches I came across Prestige Capital Corp. and gave them a chance. They found ways for me to get qualified. And from the bottom of my heart, I made the best decision of my life. I cannot thank you guys enough. I recommend anyone who, like me, is a small business owner that has their hands tied up and can't get qualified for bank loans.

  • en

    Thomas Slome


    I've worked with Harvey, Stu, Rachel and the rest of the crew at Prestige with a number of the firm's clients, and the team at Prestige has always been fair, straight and practical. I highly recommend that any company in need of financing talk with them. If the credit isn't a fit for Prestige, they will steer you to a finance company or bank that they believe would be a great fit.

  • Ben Rutkevitz

    Ben Rutkevitz


    I have been working with Prestige Capital since 2010. They are always professional, timely and a pleasure to work with. Their expertise in the industry is unmatched and I highly recommend anyone interested in getting funding for their business to work with Prestige.

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