Prestige Barbershop en South Farmingdale

Estados UnidosPrestige Barbershop



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918 South Main Street, South Farmingdale, NY 11735, США
contactos teléfono: +1 516-454-6285
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.712878, Longitude: -73.43303

comentarios 5

  • en

    John W


    In and out quick. First time there and it was a great cut, price was right, barber's are friendly. Definetly my new spot to get a cut.

  • Bry Grannum

    Bry Grannum


    What can I say besides that Dominicans are the best barbers hands down. Got a great hair cut and a fair price.

  • en



    I been going to Jeffrey for years, best barber.... You will never be disappointed!!

  • en

    Darren Paad


    I usually like Dominican owned barbershops. Dominicans are usually excellent barbers. By that standard these guys are okay. I went here because it's close to where I live. When I walked in I got some looks but no greeting. They don't communicate much and didn't follow my instructions fully. I feel I have a simple haircut, it's a hipster style, long in the middle with short hair on the sides (not a skin fade just short on the sides). I explained this to my barber and showed him a picture of me from earlier with the exact same haircut. I asked him if he felt he could give me the same style. He nodded and went to work. The resulting haircut wasn't great. He put in a decent effort but he wasn't able to give me the style I wanted. I was also surprised by the lack of customer service. I walked in and no one looked at me or said hello. Overall, it was not a great experience I probably won't be back.

  • Charles Hunt

    Charles Hunt


    For 15 years I have relied on this place and specifically Albert, to make sure I was looking my best. You can't fix my face but my hair sure looks good! 😉 Just wanted to say thank you!

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