Premier Studios w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczonePremier Studios



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1142, West Indian School Road, 85013, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 623-915-8877
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.495237, Longitude: -112.0889

komentarze 5

  • Frank A

    Frank A


    Honestly, the staff is super accommodating any easy to work with. The place is clean (even the bathrooms), the equipment is good. Love the place...

  • Mad Max

    Mad Max


    My only gripe is with the hardware on the drum kits very VERY low end but no biggie, I'll just bring my own stiff next time.

  • Michael Taylor

    Michael Taylor


    Great place! We mainly go there for our practices. They have a big room for parties or whatever. We had a birthday party there for our guitarist. There is a stage to play on. Excellent practice rooms and equipment!! They also have a really nice recording studio. We never used it, but we most definitely checked it out.

  • Gypsy Lizzard

    Gypsy Lizzard


    The new Recording and rehearsal space is a new and nice place . Plenty of space and also equip for your needs. The owner Randy is a nice gent that you will meet as you walk in and the area has plenty of parking. State of the art facility and fresh with the acoustic to boot. Decent prices for renting out space and great hours for your convenience.

  • en

    Harold Wood


    I've recorded in many studios across the states. And my experience at Premier was definitely one of my best to date. The facility is incredible! The prices are very reasonable. And the staff is very friendly and great to be around. Randy always has a smile and great attitude and Jeremy is a professional with many accolades and years of experience. I will definitely be returning on my next project.

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