Premier Endodontics of Long Island: Garden City w Garden City

Stany ZjednoczonePremier Endodontics of Long Island: Garden City



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1103, Stewart Avenue, 11530, Garden City, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-222-1822
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7362521, Longitude: -73.5932915

komentarze 5

  • en

    Cheryl F


    I have had some really bad root canals in the past by my general dentist. I decided to go to an Endodontist this time and I am so glad I went to Premier. Dr Carter was wonderful, put my mind at ease, and the root canal was painless from start to finish. I highly recommend this group.

  • en

    Lawrence Egodigwe


    My visit to Premier Endodontics was fantastic. Dr Rahul Gupta was phenomenon. He performed very difficult root canal to save my molar that I was told couldn’t be saved. Dr Gupta thank you so much for giving me chance to be able to chew with my natural molar. Lawrence

  • Geri McWilliams

    Geri McWilliams


    Who in their right mind would find a root canal to be a pleasant experience?! I can assure you with Dr. Joseph Sleilati, it was beyond amazing!!! 100% pain free, didn't feel a thing from start to finish. Dr. Sleilati is truly a gifted dentist and completely knowledgeable and answers any questions or concerns you might have at the same time keeping you calm and comfortable. I have to have another root canal performed and I'm actually looking forward to getting it done!! I can't thank him enough for the wonderful experience.

  • Navesh Kandiyil

    Navesh Kandiyil


    Super professional, Sandra, Vanessa and Betty were great. Smooth process for paperwork and insurance related matters. Dr.Sahasra was excellent, explained everything, talked and walked me through my root canal and before I knew it he was done and I was on my way. Excellent care, service and staff. Thanks for the great experience.

  • en

    Pamela V.


    To say it was surprisingly pleasant would be an understatement. I definitely wasnt excited to have a root canal done, but Dr. Sleilati was amazing! It was so quick and absolutely pain free! He walked me through the entire thing and explained everything. I still cant believe it was so fast, I've had root canals in the past that took forever. And I didnt feel a thing including the numbing, and had no pain afterwards! Thank you so much to Dr. Sleilati and his staff for a wonderful experience!

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