Precision Collision en Blue Point

Estados UnidosPrecision Collision



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67 Kennedy Avenue # A, Blue Point, NY 11715, США
contactos teléfono: +1 631-363-7397
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.760413, Longitude: -73.037472

comentarios 5

  • en

    Nrg Iseternal


    Kyle was super knowledgeable, took all of 15 minutes to assess the damage and beat all the other quotes i received by over 40 percent!! But this isnt a "cut rate" body shop, my black ford edge looks better than it did when i bought it after i picked it up. By all means get quotes from other shops, but just so you can see how much better kyles PRICING AND WORK is. Cann8t recommended strongly enough.

  • Bill Suffolk

    Bill Suffolk


    Best Service Anywhere ,my wife's car and my truck both needed bodywork, Kyle and his team ,had them both looking like new in no time , I highly recommend Precision Collision, give them a call ,you'll be glad you did !

  • Keith Martin

    Keith Martin


    The service was perfect. Everything went smoothly and Kyle was extremely helpful and easy to communicate with! My car looks brand new now, I'll definitely be returning here again if needed!

  • Connie Henriquez

    Connie Henriquez


    I would never take my car anywhere else! Everyone at the shop was super nice and they did an AWESOME job! I appreciated the fact they were super quick and my car looked as good as new! Definitely would recommend Precision Collision!

  • en

    Katherine McNamara


    Awesome service. My car looked as good as new and Kyle was very friendly and helpful! Wouldn't go anywhere else! Made dealing w the insurance company a breeze. Car was clean too when I picked it up!

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