PRATOW i Bedford Hills

Forenede StaterPRATOW



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201, Railroad Avenue, 10507, Bedford Hills, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-424-7618
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.239332, Longitude: -73.6968706

kommentar 5

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    Charles Cameron


    The crew at pratow towing are awesome! Ifound myself stranded on the side of the road with a busted axle on my trailer. They respond very quickly and even transfered the load from one trailer to another for me!! Always traveling on rt 684, I always keep the number for pratow towing in my phone for next time! Thanks again to all at pratow towing!! You guys rock!!

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    Jack Oestreicher


    This is a terribly run company and I had a HORRIBLE experience. The owner was rude, and harassed us. They demanded immediate payment and were reluctant to provide an invoice. I ultimately had to get the police involved. STAY AWAY... Life is too short for Pratow.

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    Steve Ward


    As a trucking company that runs all over the US, we occasionally have mechanical issues in unfamiliar territory that need immediate fixing. It is such a relief to find a place like Pratow's. They looked at us right away, correctly diagnosed the problem and fixed it at a decent price. We were back on the road within two hours.

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    Bennington McElroy


    Great company! Very friendly, quick service, and reasonably priced. I would use them again any day.

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    Lilly GeoFranko


    This company was wonderful! Professional, courteous, and did great job. Price was very fair as well. Staff very helpful and polite. They also have bi-lingual staff which was very helpful.

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