Post Nail en Westbury

Estados UnidosPost Nail


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325, Post Avenue, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-997-4899
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7607282, Longitude: -73.5879581

comentarios 5

  • en

    Tammy Karimzada


    This is the best spot to get your nails done! They are true to their prices, they make you feel comfortable and relaxed. Ask for Suji and Connie!

  • es

    solo banda


    exelente servicio profecionalmente y muy amables

  • en

    N George


    I walked in to get a gel manicure fill in and I asked how much it would cost. I was told $40. As I turned to walk out, not knowing if I could get it done for less, I saw the price board on the way out I noticed the price for a gel fill in was listed as $15, so I asked the same woman "so what is done for the $15 listed" and she responded "glue" even though in bold letters it stated GEL FILL-IN. Annoyed I got in my car and drove 1/2 mile down the street, and on the same side of the street, found the next nail salon. I failed to mention previously that this was my first time getting a gel fill in, as the first time ever got a gel manicure was three weeks ago. Guess what???? The next nail salon explained that you can't do a gel fill in, you must get it taken off and done from scratch everytime. I asked how much was a gel manicure, $25. I opted to get the gel taken off and just do a regular manicure and it cost me $11!!!! $5 for the gel removal(which took 5-8 minutes to take off without a problem)and $6 for a regular manicure!!!! And even though I was a walk in, I was seated and worked on right away and was in/out start to finish 45 minutes. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND WALK/DRIVE PAST THIS BUSINESS!!!! LIARS!!!!

  • en

    Sofia Naouai


    Dishonest business owners told my unsuspecting husband a regular pedicure was $30. He came home and told me that, as a female I know a regular pedi is NOT $30 called on the phone in front of him and they quoted $17.00 over the phone! Not COOL! They took advantage of him simply because he was MALE! Do NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THESE PEOPLE

  • Darlene Means

    Darlene Means


    Great service. Friendly technicians short wait times. Prices are good comparable to the service.

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