Posh Beauty Salon LLC en Englewood

Estados UnidosPosh Beauty Salon LLC


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25, West Hudson Avenue, 07631, Englewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-227-1411
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9105223, Longitude: -73.9693662

comentarios 5

  • Christian Zapata

    Christian Zapata


  • Rossy Contreras

    Rossy Contreras


    Had an excellent experience thanks to Veronica and Maribel! They treat your hair very professionally and use good products.

  • jewish israel

    jewish israel


  • en

    L. Stephen Miles


    I don't question the Hair Stylists' credentials. However, on several occasions I've made appointments for my sons and we arrive early or on time. When we arrived for our appointment this morning, both stylists were busy and my son's stylist, immediately asked (didn't say good morning) "Do you have an appointment?" When I responded in the affirmative, she said she was running behind and would appreciate it if we could come back or be extremely patient. I observed at least 5 other children apparently waiting and decided (rather than wasting time or arguing about the appointment time) to re-schedule for later in the day. Upon re-scheduling, I noticed numerous empty slots on the appointment calendar for the morning. Therefore, it became apparent that "walk-ins" have priority over appointments. The policy regarding Appointments and Walk-Ins definitely needs clarifying.

  • Roman RRO

    Roman RRO


    best salon in Englewood, better than the ones in the Palisades, i recommend you to go there and ask for stylist Veronica or jay p, you will love it the results from them!!! thank you POSH!!! they are on facebook too

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