Портрейтс Ин Хайр Десайн w Wyckoff

Stany ZjednoczoneПортрейтс Ин Хайр Десайн



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327, Franklin Avenue, 07481, Wyckoff, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-891-1717
strona internetowej: www.portraitsinhairdesign.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0120234, Longitude: -74.1672368

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brigitte Rudman


    This place is Steel Magnolias meets NYC chic. Humble employees with a clear professional knowledge of mastering the art of beauty and hair design. I have been a client for 9 years and i wouldn’t go anywhere else. From my color to extensions to date night make up- all services are available and met with integrity. Most stylists i went to in the past don’t Hear what you want. But They do! And they listen and they respect your requests. 10 star rating. - BR, Allendale, NJ

  • D Lav

    D Lav


    Always a great time, its an experience . Very warm welcoming enviroment as soon as you enter. Rania is my favorite great cut, great company, great laughs. I would not go to any other salon.

  • en

    Matthew Nicholas


    Many wonderful experiences here. Dante is the guy I always go to and he always seems to understand what I am trying to do with my hair. Honestly the only place I trust with my hair. Prices are reasonable, and staff is very welcoming.

  • Genevieve S

    Genevieve S


    Becky is the greatest (though Patty is pretty dang amazing, too). Seriously. I went to far more expensive salons before finding this gem. Nobody got my blonde right, and Becky nails the complicated job every time. I've been going here for about a decade. The level of trust I have in the hairdressers here is profound. But Portraits is more than--it's a...family? A family of hilarious, truth-telling, extremely competent hairdressers who will make you laugh, make you relaxed and comfortable, and make you look fantastic. I started going there for the reasonable prices and stayed for the women, who I adore. Do yourself a favor and give Portraits a try. Really. You won't regret it at all.

  • en

    Monica Alfonso


    I got there at 3:30, only to be told with a really bad attitude that it was closed for the day, even though the sign says open until 5pm.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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