Port Jeff Tire & Brake - Auto Repair Port Jefferson Station NY 11776 en Port Jefferson Station

Estados UnidosPort Jeff Tire & Brake - Auto Repair Port Jefferson Station NY 11776



🕗 horarios

109 route 112, Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776, США
contactos teléfono: +1 631-403-4330
sitio web: www.facebook.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.933906, Longitude: -73.05388

comentarios 5

  • en

    Holly Clark


  • WWXsynflux



    Guys know their stuff and run a solid shop for bikes, cars and trucks. Labor rate is fair and they communicate well.

  • en

    James T


    They do good work and price is right, however, they are constantly on the phone...

  • en

    D'Angelo Caruso


    I brought my car to Port Jeff tire and brake for simple oil change and now one week later my engine blew out all because while they were putting the axles in ( that I allegedly needed so badly according to them ) they damaged the oil tank. So if you're in the market for a new car I suggest you go to Port Jeff tire break so they can ruin yours giving you the opportunity to go and buy a new one. Whatever you do, do not use a Port Jeff tire and brake they don't know their butts from their elbows. I will be holding them fully responsible for all damages thanks for the documentation that I received

  • Joseph Matarazzo

    Joseph Matarazzo


    Will definitely be back again

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