Popp Memorial Park i Wallkill

Forenede StaterPopp Memorial Park



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3081, New York 208, 12589, Wallkill, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-895-2611
internet side: www.shawangunk.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.601722, Longitude: -74.182912

kommentar 5

  • en

    Peter O'Brien


    Beautiful ,peaceful place located in the Hamlet of Wallkill. Picnic benches, barbeque pits and bathroom facilities, Popp's Pavilion has all the necessary accommodations for an outdoor event. I gave it 4 stars because it tends to get messy when the geese bend down under the gazebo and DO what geese DO. The local police need to be more vigilant as the there are some area youth that vandalize the location.

  • en

    Archie Morris


    Nice pavilion maintained by the Lion's Club. Ample parking with boat launch access to the Wallkill river.

  • Danny Zayas

    Danny Zayas


    Not much to do, and everything is broken. :-(

  • Rico Law

    Rico Law


    Nice river front park. ot really for kids, there is a pavillion and in february the Local Lions club hosts a curling tournament.

  • en

    Dan Larson


    Nice quiet spot on the Wallkill River with a boat launch and a pavillion. Beautiful views of the river in both directions.

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