Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczonePopeyes Louisiana Kitchen



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4505, East Bonanza Road, 89110, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-531-8441
strona internetowej: locations.popeyes.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1732182, Longitude: -115.0779482

komentarze 5

  • en



    Ok at best. Kind of dirty

  • en

    Cheryl Davis


    I have never seen chicken like the pieces I had. It was so overcooked and black that when I told a piece off, the rim from where I took the chicken, had a dark shadow. The chicken was so dry that if I had wet it with hot sauce it would have soaked right through and still been dry. They should be ashamed of selling and serving chicken like that to their customers. Well after trying to find some good spots, it was very very very difficult to do. So, I decided to drive those 3 miles for the replacement pieces after calling him. I asked for a breast not a thigh. He said, "It is a breast!" How can you be so sure when it is burned beyond recognition, I said? After the debate and him trying too be smart, he finally gave me my replacement pieces but never apologized for the overcooked chicken!!! Even over the phone, when I told him about how bad the chicken was, he said, "yes, I am sure." Wow! You know about this and you have yet to corrected this issue and still serving the chicken? Popeye's Corporation need to really tighten up how they are allowing young and old mangers to run their business!! I will not be eating there again. Nonetheless, the fresh chicken he gave me had so much fat under the skin, until I refuse to go through that ordeal again, I just gave it to a stray dog. $8.00 dollars wasted. Please corporation stop being lazy and see about your businesses. If it ain't their wait time, then it's - we are out of chicken, if not that, then it's - an under cooked or overcooked issue. What is next with this location, Bonanza and Lamb? Get it together!!!!!

  • Brittney M

    Brittney M


    They stop the Tuesday special early. Even if you don't mind waiting they don't like dropping fresh chicken. The soda fountain in the drive through tastes* horrible. My husband took our drinks back inside and the inside machine was better. Chicken wasn't that good. They did at least make us fresh fries. The drive thru girl was nice.

  • Diane Hardman

    Diane Hardman


    The potatoes were very skimpy. The one on Stephanie St is a whole lot better. We had a very long wait. And the serving size of mashed potatoes were very very small. Although the order taker was very nice.

  • en

    Pamela James


    Popeyes food is good, period! Variety of things, and the prices are good. LOVE, Love, love, the Sweet Tea!!

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