Ponderosa Cactus w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczonePonderosa Cactus



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1870, West Wetmore Road, 85705, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-293-0395
strona internetowej: ponderosacactusaz.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2873694, Longitude: -111.0057732

komentarze 4

  • en

    Deirdre Wampler


    The proprietess of the nursery was very knowledgeable and able to guide us towards plants that would work in our conditions. Their selection is extensive and everything was healthy and beautiful.

  • TrikesterHal



    Outstanding selection of cacti, succulents, pots and such. Knowledgeable staff and decent prices. I'm quite satisfied.

  • en

    Robert Kennedy


    Never had a better shopping experience. They were focused on my special need, accommodating in every way, reasonable in pricing, just pleasant people doing business. I felt uplifted.

  • Carol Signore

    Carol Signore


    2 strikes and you're out at this price. It was difficult to get Ponderosa to make good on their 1 yr replacement guarantee. Early in 2011, they reassured us they would remove and replace the 20 foot tall, sick Saguaro we had purchased from them in the fall of 2010 but when the time came they delayed repeatedly and eventually stopped answering our calls. We politely but firmly let them know (via certified mail) that we expected them to keep their word or refund our money. In the end, they did replace the dead Saguaro with a similar one. Carol August 29, 2011. Post Script Oct 9, 2013: The "replacement cactus" fell over in the wind today and had clearly been rotting out at base for some time. So sad! Ponderosa provided and planted it in a spot they approved. Still no success. Other cactii nearby are all flourishing. I agree that it's a fun place to shop in Tucson but would definitely not recommend buying a large (over 10') cactus there.

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