Polka Dot Pound Cake en Rockville Centre

Estados UnidosPolka Dot Pound Cake



🕗 horarios

217, North Long Beach Road, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-544-2253
sitio web: www.polkadotpoundcake.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6611545, Longitude: -73.6289483

comentarios 5

  • Elaine Armstrong

    Elaine Armstrong


    Love this bakery!!! Everything they make is delicious and the owner is so nice!!!

  • en

    John Smith


    Best croissants on long island by far possibly even the entire east coast

  • en

    Dina Kogan


    Love the pound cakes. I ususally stop at the Farmers Market for my cakes from here.

  • Carmella charlistin

    Carmella charlistin


    I was looking for place to make pound cake cupcakes for my sisters birthday and I found PDP. I must say the cupcakes were a major hit. Everyone loved them especially my sister and she's very picky. The owner was beyond understanding and patient with me during the whole ordering process( thank you) . I will definitely be using their service again.

  • Vicktor Volpe

    Vicktor Volpe


    Great local bakery! The cookies are all top notch, and we serve the pound cake whenever we have guests visiting. A great surprise was that the store brews and sells gentle brew coffee....a coffee roasted locally down in Long Beach. I had never tried this coffee before and it goes up there as one of the best I have ever had. We even send bags out to friends as presents. If you're having guests and want a platter....or if you're heading to and from the beach and want a cup of coffee you can't go wrong stopping in at Polka Dot Pound Cake.

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