Polished & Chic Salon Boutique en Park Ridge

Estados UnidosPolished & Chic Salon Boutique



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141 C, Kinderkamack Road, 07656, Park Ridge, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-746-9666
sitio web: polishedandchic.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0334668, Longitude: -74.0334989

comentarios 5

  • en

    Dafne Steckiewicz


    I’m new in the area. And... I love this place. :) Great staff, I’m happy how DEBBIE does my hair.. she is the BEST! I’m enjoying going there, they are hospitable and always with a smile. I will be coming back! I really recommend it!

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    EILEEN M. Carty


    Best salon in the pascack valley. I've been a customer since they opened. You're greeted with a friendly smile and hello. I get my nails done there and only there. I wouldn't go any where else to get them done. Lisa is fantastic. The boutique in the shop had lots of great items to buy too.

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    gail pascale


    Love this place! Great staff, service and also a great boutique. Lisa is always so accommodating. She will always make time to fit me in if I need a last minute appointment. I highly recommend coming here. You will not be disappointed.

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    Jessica Asgar


    Hands down best salon in the area! I've been going to MaryAnn for over 10 years and she is the best of the best! Awesome staff and very clean facility! Highly recommend!

  • Betsi Hartman

    Betsi Hartman


    Been there since the beginning. Need I say more? Always an enjoyable experience with over the top hospitality with quality service. Would not think of looking further, for they are the best. They care about you and you feel it.

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