Poke Bowl w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePoke Bowl



🕗 godziny otwarcia

104, Fulton Street, 10038, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 646-371-9773
strona internetowej: pokebowlny.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.709556, Longitude: -74.0068345

komentarze 5

  • en

    J L


    Two protein bowl with white rice for $13.01 (tax included). I chose spicy salmon and tuna with edamame, cucumbers, masago, seaweed salad, shredded seaweed, crispy onions, ginger, and their house sauce. It is a great portion and it tasted pretty good. The line up is long but it moves quickly. If you have ritual, you can order via the app and just pick it up at the restaurant.

  • Sakura Haruno

    Sakura Haruno


    The place is great. It's rare to find the food they serve here in any other place, and they are all fantastic. The teriyaki salmon poke was the best for me. Give Poke Bowl a try.

  • en

    dennis hopkins


    Truly fantastic Poke bowls. Excellent service and healthy food that is as delicious as it is beautiful. The staff is super friendly and helpful, guiding you if you are new to Poke. I am not easily pleased and this place exceeded my expectations. Highly recommend!!!

  • Ronin Raphael

    Ronin Raphael


    First time here, I enjoyed the food on offer and style of packaging. It wasn't a large bowl so the quantity of food did feel a little in comparison to other spots that I have been too. Overall, food tasted good. I had the barbecue pork and loved it. Would like to try the salmon next time.

  • Bob Yu

    Bob Yu


    What a great little spot! Food was very fresh and delicious. Service was great, and the price was right. This is my go to spot for a quick bite in downtown Manhattan! I recommend the salmon poke bowl - lots of flavor and enough to fill up an empty stomach.

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