PODS Moving & Storage w Calverton

Stany ZjednoczonePODS Moving & Storage



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4062, Grumman Blvd, 11933, Calverton, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 877-770-7637
strona internetowej: www.pods.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9106984, Longitude: -72.7948619

komentarze 5

  • Darran Handshaw

    Darran Handshaw


    PODS went down during Hurricane Irma because whichever idiot is in charge of IT for them apparently thought it was good to put all their eggs in one basket. Typical IT management. Guess I'll have to look elsewhere for my move. Stupidity!

  • John Garrett

    John Garrett


    Great experience, POD clean and onetime, with clear pricing up front.

  • en

    John H


    Stored my pod for like 9 mos.-- cant complain they were good and i was able to access my pod while it was in storage. Pickup/ Delivery guys were courteous and friendly. Amazingly or maybe just lucky I was also able to schedule next day delivery of pod when i finally moved into the new place (they say they normally need a week notice) Price? well they aint cheap and if u go for many months it gets real pricy. But i think they're on a par with typical moving storage outfits. Last point I went to visit my pod while it was stored at a Nassau County NY industrial facility -- almost impossible to find even with gps-- they need to post some driving instructions .

  • Missy Kenny-Corron

    Missy Kenny-Corron


    You should know that I have RAVED about the service since day one!! The days of excellent customer service and getting exactly (or more than) what you pay for are sadly in the past - except for PODS! Aside from the brilliant technical innovation, the convenience of knowing exactly where and when the POD would be delivered and picked up made an extremely stressful time less stressful! I have no hesitation in recommending PODS to any of my friends or family members. In fact - I took pictures of the process and shared them widely while raving about the customer service and ease of use. Moving is never easy - and as a family with 3 small children who were already upset about changing homes - being able to show them that their precious things would be safe and sound was one less thing to stress about! I can't thank you enough for that! In fact, I wish all the companies we dealt with in this move were as competent as PODS! Sincerely, Missy Kenny-Corron

  • en

    Margo Goldberg


    My family had a great experience with PODS. We were moving only some of my parents' belongings to them from Long Island to Maryland. PODS was the perfect solution for a small move. They were great on the phone, explaining our options, costs, sizes, etc. The driver called just before drop off and after pick-up, and everything made it to Mom and Dad without a hitch. I would recommend PODS to anyone looking for a small move.

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