PNC Bank i Cincinnati

Forenede StaterPNC Bank



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31, William Howard Taft Road, 45219, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 513-281-1662
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.12744, Longitude: -84.50982

kommentar 5

  • Mos Fortunate

    Mos Fortunate


    Have to have the exact amount in your account to cash a check like i have to save a whole check, not get gas or eat or get toilet paper. just to cash a check at a bank I have an account at ridickdick

  • Esther



    TaQwanta was so nice and efficient. She took me in at the last minute and opened up a checking account for me in less than 10 minutes. (I already bank with PNC just wanted 2 checking accounts). This was after I was turned away by the branch on 415 ludlow avenue even though I made an appt two days prior with them for today at 4:15. There were 3 guys working there and only one customer, so I’m not sure why they turned me away. Not to mention that branch closes at 6, so they definitely weren’t pressed for time. I’m so grateful for TaQwanta; she let me voice my frustrations and seemed to really care! I 10/10 recommend her services!

  • T. Kirkland

    T. Kirkland


    This is my branch. They have good customer service. They're opened longer hours on Saturdays than other banks that close at noon.

  • Ahmed Bossaty

    Ahmed Bossaty


    Nice service. Friendly staff. Big parking

  • Sarah S

    Sarah S


    What kind of ATM doesn’t accept deposits at night? Not everyone works a 9 to 5. Already annoyed for the monthly “maintenance fee” and when the atm DOES work, it eats your bills and you get nothing in return. So you have to go inside. And there’s TWO people here. One of them is straight Up ignoring the LINE of people. The other is trying to get through stuff as fast as possible. An incredibly unpleasant place to be. I’d rather be at the DMV. That’s saying something.

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