PLS Check Cashing i New York

Forenede StaterPLS Check Cashing



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146-15, Jamaica Avenue, 11435, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-739-2904
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7019548, Longitude: -73.808466

kommentar 5

  • Michael Desamours

    Michael Desamours


    Worst check cashing I ever been to in my whole entire life never again don’t waste your time especially if it’s your fist time

  • Shinelle Williams

    Shinelle Williams


    This place is unprofessional and unreliable...They always have 1 cashier with a long line for western union and 3 cashiers for other services which doesn’t make sense cause this is very bad and I won’t even mention the customer service here:/

  • en

    Barney Pang


    Terrible service. Long lines then when you get there they tell you to wait a minute as they deal with another customer who was behind you. Makes no sense. Extremely counterproductive. And slow

  • en

    Casondra DiRusso


    This place doesn't know what the he'll they are doing. They took so long to cash one check. Was here literally for 45 mins at the counter waiting for them to figure out something that should take 2 mins. If you are in a rush don't even think about this place.

  • Crypto Trader

    Crypto Trader


    Long Lines That Move Slow Horrible Experience Workers Don't Seem Interested Helping You Wouldn't Recommend This Location

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