Plaza Hyundai w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePlaza Hyundai



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2740, Nostrand Avenue, 11210, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-983-5977
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6181721, Longitude: -73.9455472

komentarze 5

  • en

    joyce miller


    Was prompted to start a text chat when I looked up this site online. They asked me for my info. Email, phone etc besides the make, model, year and parts and service I requested. They texted me back saying a specialist would be with me shortly. I waited an hour, then with still no response, closed the chat. 2 hours later they email me from SALES wanting to discuss buying a new car!" All I wanted was an oil change and battery terminals. Wasted my time....

  • Lana Svetlana

    Lana Svetlana


    I'd give them zero stars if it were possible. Do yourself a favor and stay away from all the plaza dealerships. Go to Staten Island instead, ask for my guy Rocco. You'll be happier for it.

  • en

    jordonaya francios


    What an Amazing experience :). Frances was my salesperson an she was more than amazing didn’t expect to get the service I received but her bubbly personality an being knowledgeable about everything helped quite a bit with the process of things. I left Plaza Hyundai Happy an I will Happily send more customers to Frances with confidence she will steer my referrals the right way. Thanks Frances Love the car :)

  • en

    Richard Warner


    Very positive experience today at Plaza Hyundai service. So happy with the way this long-standing Brooklyn auto service facility has finally been re-organized. It was so nice to see that they’ve turned the place around from what it was recently. Good solid leadership and management like Anthony L, the service manager, that clearly take customer satisfaction seriously. He will go out of his way to ensure that the facility runs efficiently. Anthony and his colleagues are taking the necessary steps to ensure that despite the huge volume of cars that they deal with, everything runs efficiently. It was a very pleasant experience from the moment I dropped my Hyundai off with Courtney who interacted in a most professional manner, to the time I picked up the car with everything completed very promptly. Based on the current leadership, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this place.

  • Musiqum



    Won't help if you have some small issue that covered by warranty. They said they ordered part and promised to call me when the part arrive. But 4 weeks gone and nobody called me back. I've tried to call them myself but looks like they don't want to pick up the phone at all. Robot keeps saying that all of the representative are busy now and nobody available to speak with. Looks like I need to fix the issue elsewhere for my own expenses even if I have their guarantee.

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