Playland Market en Rye

Estados UnidosPlayland Market



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488, Forest Avenue, 10580, Rye, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-967-2450
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.965322, Longitude: -73.681254

comentarios 5

  • James Doyle

    James Doyle


    Good deli and general store. Takes Android / Apple pay.

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    Lillian Carr


    Rude employees. I stopped supporting their business.

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    David Phelan


    Used to be alright, now they have horribly rude employees. The sandwich guy gave me an attitude when I ordered my sandwich. Then I find out after I left he put way too much honey mustard (which wasn’t even honey mustard) on my order. Completely drenching it, made it messy on purpose, as if. Then the check out lady was joking the whole time with her counterpart, while cashing me out, as if I didn’t even exist. Didn’t say anything just smirked at me. Then the orange juice I bought turned out to be expired. I really can’t believe how bad this experience was and I’m going to broadcast it everywhere I possibly can. I am never going back and again I’m telling everyone what a horrible place this has become to get lunch. What a shame.

  • Aubrey Joseph

    Aubrey Joseph


    This is a huge farmer's market! Be prepared to squeeze through crowds of people as it gets really popular. There are tons of lunch vendors, fruit, veggies, specialty items. Everything is seasonal and locally grown. It's a great place to stock up on great produce!

  • Ken Kraut

    Ken Kraut


    Stopped by 4/21/17 @3:30 PM, bought 4 pieces of boneless spicy chicken. Found this little surprise under piece #3. Went back to the store, almost no apology and they actually wanted to give me more chicken from the same batch, which is still for sale!

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