Play City w Weehawken

Stany ZjednoczonePlay City



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4918, Park Avenue, 07086, Weehawken, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-348-4000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.779779, Longitude: -74.014351

komentarze 5

  • en

    pradeep polamuri


    Very Nice place. My daughter goes to painting class and she really likes the class and teacher-very friendly and patient. The staff is good and most important safe and clean place.

  • Kel Costa

    Kel Costa


    I used to love this place. Couple months ago I gave them 5 stars. The atmosphere used to be so friendly, such a nice staff. Now, the staff is rude, they are not here for kids or family, it’s only for the money. They don’t have any idea how to talk to costumer, even worst to kids, they only talk to you to offer more services. I’m here right now and after hearing her being rude for the forth time in 3 minutes, she finished it saying: before you try it, this place does not allow outside food. What? Before you try it? That is my last time here, and I’m just staying because my kids were waiting for this. So sad! .

  • Saloni Patel

    Saloni Patel


    My last review of this place was about 3 mths back in Nov 2017. Since then I feel that things have gone downhill. So I am dropping 3 stars from previous rating. What is not working for us anymore - 1. Layout - they have combined the play area of two age groups and it is way too congested now. Infant area is also now just a small corner (previously it was much better and open).. Also with new layout you have to walk in washroom with your socks on. It is just plain DISGUSTING. 2. No outside food policy - I have always seen people bringing baby foods and kids snacks here and I have done that myself all the time. Today I was told that outside food and beverages are not allowed. Not even water. SERIOUSLY?..... my LO only eats certain foods with allergies and I don't give her packaged food so one more place that is not very child food friendly anymore. When I asked the lady since when this new policy was in place she just said I am new here but you can see the notice near the entrance. NOT THE ANSWER TO MY QUESTION. I was wondering why all of a sudden this place seems empty around lunch time and now I know. 3. Staff has all changed - We have been coming here for some time now and since our last visit, all the staff has been changed. Not sure if the management has changed or what (but it seems like it). I am not feeling that friendliness and warmth from this bunch compare to their previous team. I am little bummed that I still have 3 more visits on my pass.

  • en

    Bailey R


    The new layout of Play City is great! My family and I enjoyed our stay and are planning on purchasing a membership. Receptionist was very informative and helpful. She was there alone and doing a very sufficient job of managing the business. She was attentive and engaged. The cafe is over-priced, I wish I could purchase reasonably priced snacks for my children in their establishment.

  • Inna Pastukhova

    Inna Pastukhova


    Очень хорошо проводим время. Одно посещение утром 13$ + налог, а вечером 15$ + налог. Можно купить подписку на месяц за 100$ до налога и посещать анлимитно весь месяц.

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