Platinum Renovation Services i New York

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92, Pemberton Avenue, 10308, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-869-4526
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.561772, Longitude: -74.156448

kommentar 5

  • en



    I hired Platinum to do a bathroom gut on a basement apartment for my elderly parents. After interviewing many contractors, I knew Platinum was the best choice. In addition to being a gentleman, his work speaks for itself! Artie and his team sat down with me and designed a state of the art walk-in shower with built in shower bench and grab bars all keeping safety of my parents in mind. During the construction they did not hesitate to give me a hand with other small projects around the house that i needed done before my parents moved in such as electrical and plumbing work. The job was finished right on schedule, no mess or cleanup after and the price was far below my expectations! If you don't choose Platinum for your home renovations you are choosing the wrong contractor. I look forward to working with Artie and his team again in the future! He is my go-to-guy!

  • Robert Cork

    Robert Cork


    I want to thank Platinum Renovation Services for completing my kitchen and bathroom renovation. The team was able to transform my kitchen and bathroom in an entirely new format. They completed the job in a timely manner, following the schedule and layout that they provided. The staff was easy to talk to and listened to what i wanted and was honest and gave knowledgeable advice. Artie, the owner was patient from designing the layout throughout the job until it was finished. He was always there to speak to and contact about any question or concern that i has throughout the job. They did a wonderful job completing these renovations. I highly recommend the services of Platinum Renovation. I look forward to working with this company for any of my home improvement needs.

  • Jaibir Kang

    Jaibir Kang


    These guys do a great job and make sure that everything is done perfectly down to the little things. Recently redid our kitchen and two bathrooms. The owner was very knowledgeable and gave us some great creative ideas throughout the process. The daily crew was very professional and and tidy with their tools and supplies. Highly recommend these guys

  • Rowan Moon

    Rowan Moon


    Company is the very best out there. We did a renovation which included a full deck, a path which leads to an outdoor little fenced pet area a little gate which leads to my gazebo, and a complete full fenced yard with larger gate. Also did a patio door with inner shades and windows. Best material out there. Artie and his crew were the epitome of patience. Kindest and knowledgeable. I couldn't have asked for a better service. Very good price as well. I'll recommend to friends and family. What a good job! I stare in awe at my garden now.

  • anurag panasar

    anurag panasar


    Awesome company with honest helpful suggestions that have your best interest at heart. They are thorough right down to the smallest detail and are more than willing to get the job done on a timely cost efficient basis. Artie's professionalism is second to none and you can be certain to trust his opinion on all the details of getting your home ready to sell. HIGHLY recommend!!!

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