Pizza Hut w Atlanta

Stany ZjednoczonePizza Hut



🕗 godziny otwarcia

25, Piedmont Avenue Northeast, 30303, Atlanta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 404-524-5924
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7552446, Longitude: -84.3819737

komentarze 5

  • Justin Camp

    Justin Camp


    Wow. I wish I read the reviews before my order. Same story as everyone else, we were quoted 90 min for a pizza and wings, it showed up over three hours later and the order was incorrect. Staff refuses to answer the phone, so there’s no way to reasonably rectify the issue without showing up in person. This is truly the worst Pizza Hut around.

  • Janavi Ramesh

    Janavi Ramesh


    Just like every other person has said, HORRIBLE customer service. They NEVER pick up the phone, and NEVER deliver on time. If you can help it, find another Pizza Hut

  • Jodi Boyer

    Jodi Boyer


    I ordered a couple of pizzas to my hotel room while visiting Atlanta and was told that it would be about an hour. After waiting an hour and a half, I tried calling them 3 different times to find out what happened. I was hung up on twice and told the third time that they were closed (which they were not based on their hours both online and on the info sheet that the hotel gave us). Ridiculous!!!

  • en

    Benjamin Mize


    Don’t go here. The only parking is in a deck and it could cost you $750 to get out! Went inside to get food and when I came out my car had 2 boots on it! I called the number listed and this rude guy answers and says it’s $75 to &750 to take them off. After waiting he shows up and is a jerk. He argues with me that my car has been there all day (had a receipt from the restaurant less than 10 minutes) and then says he didn’t see me go in to Pizza Hut! After hassling me for another 15 minutes he takes off the boots after I threatened recourse. Then he stands behind my car so I couldn’t leave. Finally see this guy walk back to the corner and start praying on other customers. Asked Pizza Hut and they said he does work for them. Will never go back.

  • en



    This is the worst pizza hut on the planet. First of all you never answer the phone. I ordered a pizza Sunday that you never delivered. It is now Tuesday and I have been trying to get in touch with your restaurant for 3 days to get my order refunded. I have been transferred to the call center where I have been hung up on. I was left on hold 2 different times for over 30 minutes, just to call back and be put on hold again. I have sent 2 emails to Pizza Hut to get my refund and no one has replied to me. Your customer service is a joke. I will never use Pizza Hut again. REFUND MY MONEY!

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