Pizza Classics w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczonePizza Classics



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3440, North Saint Mary's Street, 78215, San Antonio, Bexar County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 210-225-3356
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.4564273, Longitude: -98.4790755

komentarze 5

  • en

    Chad Hankins


    I place a lot of large orders here for the staff meetings at my restaurant. We have a lot of special dietary needs, and they are able to meet ALL of them! The pizza is awesome, the service is great, and the prices are totally reasonable. The also have a great atmosphere if you're dining in. Definitely worth a try!

  • Norma Covarrubias

    Norma Covarrubias


    The lady went above and beyond to accommodate us. I had my mom and dad both elderly and my 4 year old during my visit. It was our first time dining and we loved the staff and the food.

  • Mona Atkinson

    Mona Atkinson


    We were looking for pizza after getting out around midnight from a local concert venue on a Friday night. I googled one nearby that had high reviews and this place didn't disappoint. We ordered the Buy 1 get 1 free (which is so amazing!!!) Supreme and all meat. Both were so good & the crust was lovely. They had classic music playing, Steely Dan. Cannot go wrong there. When we got there, only 1 other person was there. When we left, there was about 20 people there around 1 am. We found our new late night pizza place in San Antonio.

  • Ninja Sushi

    Ninja Sushi


    I've been going here for awhile. Great pizza here folks. Don't miss out on one of San Antonio's gems. If you pick up your order instead of delivery you get a second pizza of the same size free! My family and I enjoyed our margarita pizzas tonight. Two 12" pizzas for about 20 bucks. Easily feeds four people. That's only 5 bucks a person guys!! Don't miss out!

  • en



    My wife and i were introduced to Pizza Classics by a good friend. Its an easy location to find and parking can become a little cramped but you'll quickly learn its all worth it! The food is cooked fresh to order. I ordered an 8 piece chicken wings along with a drink for $7.99. I ordered the spicy ones! Really really good stuff! My wife had the chicken alfredo and enjoyed it thoroughly. They have a soda dispenser with some unique names for the variety but certainly do not lack flavor. Be sure to go early because it gets crowded as the nearby college kids infiltrate the place. Food is great!

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