Pioneer Physicians w Bolingbrook

Stany ZjednoczonePioneer Physicians



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148, South Bolingbrook Drive, 60440, Bolingbrook, Will County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 630-914-5373
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.6969765, Longitude: -88.0667709

komentarze 5

  • Alia Elshaer

    Alia Elshaer


    Helpful, patient, and compassionate medical staff. I was super impressed with the kindness and professionalism of the office staff, nurse, and attentive doctor. I went to several clinics today to have my son seen, staff in another location seemed hesitant to treat him and had an hour and half wait. At Pioneer physician they more than accommodating and thorough with us. They provided us with care and were great with my children. I know where to go from now on! Thank you Dr. Jabr!

  • Tammy Aiossa

    Tammy Aiossa


    The staff and physicians at Pioneer are amazing !! Dr's Alexander, Jose and Moody are all fabulous. Say goodbye to stacks of forms, inconveniently limited hours and 3 weeks waiting to see your doctor. Pioneer is efficiently PATIENT oriented not corporate driven (but with the same if not better level of care). I highly recommend this team for all your urgent AND primary care needs.

  • Shannon Ebert

    Shannon Ebert


    The staff was so friendly and welcoming. The nurses and Dr. were so great as well. They were able to get my 5 year old daughter in right away as there was an insurance change and her pediatrician was no longer in my network. They were able start treatment her for her ear infection so she wouldn’t have to miss her 6th birthday celebrations the next day. I’m so thankful to have found them. Thank you to you all.

  • Cherie Cavazos

    Cherie Cavazos


    I cannot thank the professional staff enough. I am never dealing with anything simple and each person is kind, caring and knowledgeable. They take time to listen and help you work through to a solution. I truly value and appreciate the wonderful care I’ve received. The facility is clean and welcoming. Services provided are comprehensive and so very convenient. Thank you all!

  • Irma Saldano

    Irma Saldano


    Monika RN is one of the best and most professional nurses I have had the pleasure of meeting. I am regular patient at Pioneer Physicians, and when I do have an appointment I always receive the best care from Monika, she always asks me how I am doing, and she answers all of my questions. Thank You Monika for the best care that you provide for me.

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