Pints Pub- British Gastro Brewpub i Denver

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Forenede StaterPints Pub- British Gastro Brewpub



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221, West 13th Avenue, 80204, Denver, Denver County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 303-534-7543
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Latitude: 39.7369726, Longitude: -104.9908527

kommentar 5

  • Gerald Buechter

    Gerald Buechter


    Excellent service. Drinks are good. Food was disappointing. The bun for the blue cheese burger was dry and stale and the meat was not medium but more close to being well-done. The blue cheese was dry and not creamy; almost flavorless. The fries were old and soggy. I was also hungry after eating and went to another place for a second dinner. So, great place for social hour and beer/scotch. Not good for food.

  • Julie Denning

    Julie Denning


    Fun vibe and a decently priced menu with typical bar food. Definitely catered towards whiskey tasting - they have an incredible selection with shots of all ages and pricing. Little bit grungy but fun nontheless.

  • Scott F

    Scott F


    A coworker from Florida is always recommending this place. I will say that the selection and display of whiskey is impressive but it stops there. The food tasted weird, just like a weird off flavor in the poutine fries and there wasn't much substance to the wings. Overall the place felt very dirty and the vibe was really weird. The beers also had weird off-tastes and were not really true to style. No thanks

  • David Haney

    David Haney


    Had a wonderful visit while in town for business this week. We asked locals for where we could find good Scotch after dinner and this was the unanimous choice. Who would ever guess you could find over 300 single malts in a British pub! Bartender was knowledgeable and the Scotches were fantastic. My new go-to place in Denver.

  • Timlynn Babitsky

    Timlynn Babitsky


    Pint's Pub is our go-to place in downtown Denver. If you love good beer, and/or really good single malt whiskey, this is the place for you. You can get the absolute BEST of both of these fine "beverages" in an atmosphere that is warm, friendly, and kind of "homey." Their traditional British cask conditioned "live" ales are authentically served from hand pumps (a.k.a. beer engines), that you rarely find outside of the UK. They have the world's largest selection of single malt whisky choices -- from not too expensive, to budget breaking sippers. Pub grub is tasty and doesn't get in the way of the beverages you came there to enjoy. We tend to stop by for a drink before doing something else and end up staying for the afternoon into late evening. A great place to kick back and just enjoy!

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